Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Mascavado PT.2_2008
Mascado PT.2_2008 is coming to Lisbon town next July 29. This will become the third edition of the Mascavado festival and the second one this year! Again at the Século venue...stay tuned for the full programm soon, soon...
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Out Now: @c / Asamo / Takahiro Kawaguchi
The month Ristretto is turning four years of existence, we are very proud to present 3 expanded digital editions of our previously released recordings by Asamo, @c and Takahiro Kawaguchi ::
Asamo - "Niju"
Shinjiro Yamaguchi is the sound artist behind the name Asamo and this is the record that started it all here at Ristretto. Back in May of 2004 we've released "Niju" in a tiny 3" cdr. This is an expanded digital edition of "Niju" in a multimedia download containing: the original recording plus 3 bonus tracks; an exclusive quicktime video by Kudo and Yamada a.k.a copenhagen; one pdf booklet.
+ info:
@c - "48EDE"
In 2005 we've released "48" by the portuguese brilliant duo of "grainy abstract electronica", @c (Miguel Carvalhais + Pedro Tudela).
Now "48" turns "48EDE". In what is a truly expanded digital edition of more than 60 minutes of music and including also a beautifull 22-page pdf booklet with artwork by long-time @c visual partner, Lia
Asamo - "Niju"
Shinjiro Yamaguchi is the sound artist behind the name Asamo and this is the record that started it all here at Ristretto. Back in May of 2004 we've released "Niju" in a tiny 3" cdr. This is an expanded digital edition of "Niju" in a multimedia download containing: the original recording plus 3 bonus tracks; an exclusive quicktime video by Kudo and Yamada a.k.a copenhagen; one pdf booklet.
+ info:
@c - "48EDE"
In 2005 we've released "48" by the portuguese brilliant duo of "grainy abstract electronica", @c (Miguel Carvalhais + Pedro Tudela).
Now "48" turns "48EDE". In what is a truly expanded digital edition of more than 60 minutes of music and including also a beautifull 22-page pdf booklet with artwork by long-time @c visual partner, Lia
+ info:
Takahiro Kawaguchi - "Soundscape with 2 objects"
Takahiro Kawaguchi is a japanese field recordist and sound artist and "Soundscape with 2 objects" came out on Ristretto two years ago, packaged in a transparent clamshell containing a 5" cdr. This digital download edition is a reissue of the original "Soundscape with 2 objects" now expanded with a quicktime video by Tetsuro Honma for one additional raw and pure field recording by Takahiro Kawaguchi. This edition comes also packed with the original pdf booklet.
Takahiro Kawaguchi - "Soundscape with 2 objects"
Takahiro Kawaguchi is a japanese field recordist and sound artist and "Soundscape with 2 objects" came out on Ristretto two years ago, packaged in a transparent clamshell containing a 5" cdr. This digital download edition is a reissue of the original "Soundscape with 2 objects" now expanded with a quicktime video by Tetsuro Honma for one additional raw and pure field recording by Takahiro Kawaguchi. This edition comes also packed with the original pdf booklet.
Monday, 21 January 2008

Please look at the complete line-up of the live acts and video art projections at:
...and check the Pedro Lourenço artwork at:
A Ristretto está feliz por poder anunciar que a segunda edição do festival Mascavado acontecerá no próximo mês de Fevereiro, dias 8 e 9, numa co-produção com o Centro Cultural O Século e com o apoio da Rádio Zero. O desenho e design para o flyer e poster oficial do Mascavado são da responsabilidade do Pedro Lourenço. O alinhamento completo das actuações ao vivo e das projecções de vídeo arte está já disponível em:
...and check the Pedro Lourenço artwork at:
A Ristretto está feliz por poder anunciar que a segunda edição do festival Mascavado acontecerá no próximo mês de Fevereiro, dias 8 e 9, numa co-produção com o Centro Cultural O Século e com o apoio da Rádio Zero. O desenho e design para o flyer e poster oficial do Mascavado são da responsabilidade do Pedro Lourenço. O alinhamento completo das actuações ao vivo e das projecções de vídeo arte está já disponível em:
...e mais sobre o excelente trabalho do Pedro Lourenço:
...e mais sobre o excelente trabalho do Pedro Lourenço:
Friday, 12 October 2007
"Trunkeret & Ikonisk" is SOLD OUT!
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Shinjiro Yamaguchi

Shinjiro Yamaguchi (30/12/1983) is a sound artist and composer from Japan. Came to electronic music and improvisation via post-rock group SOMA. Latest intention is to play the guitar in almost inaudible sounds to be going to die away and to set sound figures on time axis by modelling them with the internal feedback of a mixing board.
Personal and co-lab projects by Shinjiro Yamaguchi:
and more...
and more...
Release in Ristretto:
Asamo – “Niju”
+ info:
Justin Hardison

Justin Hardison has been creating work under the name My Fun using field recordings, sampling, found sounds and electronic processing with releases on The Land Of, Stasisfield, Ristretto and Test Tube labels. His primary focus is exploring the emotive quality of everyday sounds and aims to create narrative work without a particular music genre guiding the final editing process.
Release in Ristretto:
My Fun - "Sunday Best"
+ info:
Friday, 17 August 2007
André Gonçalves

André Gonçalves
Since the late 1990s i have been working in several artistic fields like visual arts, music, video, installation and performance. Empathy programmer with googlian self-education, i graduated in Graphic Design and alongside with my commercial graphic work i have been developing several applications in max-msp, flash, java and C++ along with different experimentations in the analog world. One thing just lead to another and somehow, from 2002, i was allways getting closer to ‘do it yourself’ electronics, started experimenting with sensor interfaces and, in a short while, soldering and programming made part and directly influenced the overall result of the intermedia pieces. More recently i’ve been collecting and recycling found electronic hardware, hacking it to make possible this idea to create analog devices that can act like bots, and can have specific functions like printing, drawing, create tv graphics, create sound, etc... This actions are orquestrated by PIC micro-controllers, small computer processors than can be programmable for controlling multiple devices, from sensors, to motor servos to heavy duty 220v gear. Recent projects have included interactive installations such as ‘Resonant Objects’, ‘I Thought Some Daisies Might Cheer You Up’ and ‘You Got Me Floatin'. My discography includes releases on the labels Grain of Sound, Crónica Electrónica and Sirr (PT), Cherry Music (JP), Winds Measure (US) and Transacoustic Research (AT)
Release in Ristretto:
Gigantiq - "Test Loops"
+ info:
Nuno Moita

I was born in Lisboa in 1970. I´ve been recording and performing live under my own name as well as under some several monikers: Stilb, Draftank and Tinfoil. My co-lab projects include Gigantiq, Stapletape and Batalha.
I´m also active in the visual arts working mostly with photography and video.
Releases in Ristretto:
Stilb – “Optical Soundtracks”
Gigantiq - "Test Loops"
Draftank – “Orange Book”
+ info:
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Antonio Contador

Antonio Contador oeuvre dans la musique à budget réduit, produisant des impressions musicales, de la pop boîteuse ou encore des néo-jingles avec des instruments jouets et des jouets instruments pour adultes. En concert, sa musique s´articule souvent avec la vidéo, créant une osmose entre image, fixe ou en mouvement, et l´encadrement sonore, créant une ambiguité souhaitée entre les concepts de concert et d´installation ou entre concert et performance. Il produit également des vidéos à faible budget ayant recours surtout à la technique du sampling. Ses vidéos, généralement de très courte durée, ne racontent pas d´histoire. Elles se présentent plutôt comme des points d´inflexion ou d´exclamation par rapport aux sources visuelles (film, documentaire, etc) visitée et samplée. Artiste relié au collectif de musiciens, artistes Section Amour, et à la structure artistique L´appareil avec laquelle il a collaboré dans certains projets et continue à collaborer. Également, diplômé en Sociologie, titulaire d´un Master 2 (Master Recherche) en Communication, Culture et Technologie de l´Information, il se prépare à un doctorat en Art, Esthétique et Sciences de l´Art à la Sorbonne (Paris). Chargé de cours à l’École Supérieure d´Arts et de Design de Caldas da Rainha au Portugal, il a également publié quelques articles scientifiques et livres portant sur la relation entre la construction identitaire et la consommation artistique et culturelle.
Release in Ristretto:
António Contador - "Crazy in Love"
+ info:
Monday, 13 August 2007
Takahiro Kawaguchi

Born in OSAKA, JAPAN, in 1980.
Takahiro started to work, from 2000, in various fields as "Field recordings", "Sound Installation" and "Sound performance".The common concept of all his works is: "Space recognition through the sounds".He has released six CD / CDR from domestic and foreign labels which are specialized in experimental music. And three other CD projects are going on for 2007.He has also been very active in his international and interdisciplinary projects in the year of 2006 : Creation of his new peace at Slade Research Centre in LONDON, UK Collaboration with dance and photography in the installation work:"Three" at BankArt Yokohama, Japan (Project involved in the Japan Media Arts Festival promoted by the Ministry of Culture of Japan).
Takahiro started to work, from 2000, in various fields as "Field recordings", "Sound Installation" and "Sound performance".The common concept of all his works is: "Space recognition through the sounds".He has released six CD / CDR from domestic and foreign labels which are specialized in experimental music. And three other CD projects are going on for 2007.He has also been very active in his international and interdisciplinary projects in the year of 2006 : Creation of his new peace at Slade Research Centre in LONDON, UK Collaboration with dance and photography in the installation work:"Three" at BankArt Yokohama, Japan (Project involved in the Japan Media Arts Festival promoted by the Ministry of Culture of Japan).
Kawaguchi is interested in capturing and manipulating everyday sounds in everyday places. He works with microphones placed in and on various objects, transforming environmental sound by feeding it through these objects and recording/playing back live the resulting sound.
Release in Ristretto:
Takahiro Kawaguchi - "Soundscape with 2 objects"
+ info:
Saturday, 11 August 2007

Working together since 2000, @c started as a trio and later shrank to a duo that occasionally re-expands to an audiovisual trio when performing with the Austrian artist Lia.
The musical work of @c is developed in the cross-section of three complimentary approaches to sound art and electronic music: algorithmic composition, concrete sounds and improvisation. If on one hand their compositions are usually built around strong structural foundations, it's also common that multiple bits are freed from these structures when integrated into the sound work, contributing to the settling of elaborate strategies of deconstruction. Improvisation, either in dialogue or discussion, is central to @c's performances, as is the will to create open compositions and to nurture ongoing processes that digitally amplify sound realities. The creation of cross-links between referrals and memories plays with the balance between reconnaissance and abstraction.
Pedro Tudela is a plastic artist and a musician and teaches at the Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (FBAUP).
Miguel Carvalhais is a designer and musician and teaches at the Design Department of FBAUP.
Lia is a digital artist and graphic programmer based in Vienna, Austria.
Release in Ristretto:
@c - "48EDE"
Friday, 10 August 2007
Jonas Olesen

Jonas Olesen, born 1979
Work and live in Denmark. Background as a techno-producer, radio-DJ and concert-organizer. Plays in the duo OPEC with Chrsitian Stadsgaard, and fomerly in the band Europussy with Aasmund Kverneland, Bjørn Svin and Karsten Pflum.
Work and live in Denmark. Background as a techno-producer, radio-DJ and concert-organizer. Plays in the duo OPEC with Chrsitian Stadsgaard, and fomerly in the band Europussy with Aasmund Kverneland, Bjørn Svin and Karsten Pflum.
He has already performed with Carlos Giffoni, Christian Marclay, ErikM, Lights People and others. Started working with reel to reels at an early age. Now does audio-installations and media-specific investigations.
Release in Ristretto:
Batch Totem - "trunkeret & ikonisk"
+ info:
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Stilb - "Optical Soundtracks"

Stilb - "Optical Soundtracks"
5" cdr
5" cdr
Stilb - optical seven
Music video for "Optical Seven" taken from "Optical Soundtracks".
Stilb - optical two / optical three (video remix versions)
Music video for "Optical Two / Optical Three (video remix versions from the tracks included in "Optical Soundtracks").
Music video for "Optical Seven" taken from "Optical Soundtracks".
Stilb - optical two / optical three (video remix versions)
Music video for "Optical Two / Optical Three (video remix versions from the tracks included in "Optical Soundtracks").
Takahiro Kawaguchi "Soundscape With 2 Objects"

Takahiro Kawaguchi - "Soundscape with 2 objects"
format: digital download
cat no.: ristdig3
release date: May 2008
buy: 6,99 Euros
:: The digital download contains a zip file w/2 mp3 tracks at 320kbps, 1 quicktime video, 1 pdf booklet::
Takahiro Kawaguchi is a japanese field recordist and sound artist and "Soundscape with 2 objects" came out on Ristretto two years ago, packaged in a transparent clamshell containing a 5" cdr. This digital download edition is a reissue of the original "Soundscape with 2 objects" now expanded with a quicktime video by Tetsuro Honma for one additional raw and pure field recording by Takahiro Kawaguchi. This edition comes also packed with the original pdf booklet.
"Quand je veux écouter de la musique, j'ouvre ma fenêtre" disait John Cage. Takahiro Kawaguchi choisit lui aussi d'ouvrir sa fenêtre, d'écouter et d'enregister les bruits de l'environnement. Le tic tac d'un réveil martèle un rythme métronomique, tandis que les aboiements d'une meute de chien, des bruits de basse cour et autres caquètements s'entremèlent dans une régularité et une authenticité parfaite : le disque débute ainsi ! L'artiste décide de ne pas intervenir, mais de laisser les bruits composés par eux-mêmes une forme de symphonie de la vérité. Au travers de ces deux expériences sonores notre Japonais d'Osaka capte les Field recording comme il prendrait une photographie du quotidien. Conceptuel et minimal, "Soundscape with 2 Objects" fait immanquablement référence à la notion de "chance music" de John Cage, tout comme à celle de phonographie : l'activité de captation et de fixation des phénomènes sonores. Une poésie de la musique du dehors, une écoute profonde du monde qui n'est pas non plus sans rappeler l'univers sonore du biologiste et écologiste de formation de Francisco Lopez.
Le disque a été réalisé en octobre 2006 et tiré à seulement 100 exemplaires sur le mico label CD-R portugais Ristretto, une ramification de Grain of sound.
Le technicien du bruit découvre plus qu'il n'invente !
Le disque a été réalisé en octobre 2006 et tiré à seulement 100 exemplaires sur le mico label CD-R portugais Ristretto, une ramification de Grain of sound.
Le technicien du bruit découvre plus qu'il n'invente !
in, Sonhors
Batch Totem - "Trunkeret & Ikonisk"

Batch Totem - "trunkeret & ikonisk"
“(…)Domande futili e per ora senza risposta, come chiedersi come sia venuto in mente a tal Jonas Olesen di realizzare brani di questo tipo. Fatto sta che, qualunque fosse il suo intento (pura sperimentazione, scherzo, provocazione, alte finalità espressive), il risultato è tutt’altro che malvagio. A differenza di altre opere estreme nell’attitudine ed anche nella pazienza richiesta all’ascoltatore (dalla “Metal Machine Music” di Lou Reed alla “Aestethic of the Machine” del nostro Martusciello), questo dischetto risulta certo difficile ma inspiegabilmente rilassante – ovviamente se ascoltato a volumi non estremi o con un impianto senza il pericoloso subwoofer (allucinante in tal senso 11 ~_¤ GROW CBS OAK ON CLAP, da far tremare i muri del paese vicino).”
Matteo Uggeri
Press Release:
Batch Totem on MusicThing blog:
António Contador - "Crazy in Love"

António Contador "crazy in love"
format: 5" cdr
cat. no.: rist05
PDF booklet:
Streaming of some tracks taken from "Crazy in Love":
@c - "48EDE"

@c - "48EDE"
format: digital download
cat no.: ristdig2
release date: May 2008
release date: May 2008
buy: 6,99 Euros
:: The digital download contains a zip file w/60+ minutes of music in 3 mp3 tracks at 320kbps and a 22 page pdf booklet ::
In 2005 we've released "48" by the portuguese brilliant duo of "grainy abstract electronica", @c (Miguel Carvalhais + Pedro Tudela).
Now "48" turns "48EDE". In what is a truly expanded digital edition of more than 60 minutes of music and including also a beautifull 22 page pdf booklet with artwork by long-time @c visual partner, Lia
:: The digital download contains a zip file w/60+ minutes of music in 3 mp3 tracks at 320kbps and a 22 page pdf booklet ::
In 2005 we've released "48" by the portuguese brilliant duo of "grainy abstract electronica", @c (Miguel Carvalhais + Pedro Tudela).
Now "48" turns "48EDE". In what is a truly expanded digital edition of more than 60 minutes of music and including also a beautifull 22 page pdf booklet with artwork by long-time @c visual partner, Lia
free mp3 track :: 48rmx (exclusive online remix):
"(...) 48 inizia con suoni brevi, rarefatti, percussivi, graffiati, soffiati… suoni che vanno poi a organizzarsi in una struttura ripetitiva, ipnotica, improntata da una circolarità mutante, e ad essa si sovrappongono poi una melodia vellutata (...)"
Etero Genio
in, Sands-Zine
My Fun - "Sunday Best"

My Fun "sunday best "
3" cdr
3" cdr
PDF booklet:
MP3 taken from "Sunday Best":
(...) In Burlesque un pianoforte de-tonato gioca in contrasto con l’andatura ritmica spezzata e sincopata per creare un brano molto ballabile che ricorda Tobin e lo arricchisce di nuove sfumature.(...)"
Rafael Natale
in, Kathodik
Draftank - "Orange Book"
Draftank "orange book"
5" cdr
PDF booklet:
MP3 taken from "Orange Book": http://www.grainofsound.com/ristretto/draftank_interlaken.mp3
"(...) Orange Book è un saggio di taglia e cuci, impressionante per l'impronta diversificata che l’autore riesce ad imprimere su ognuna delle undici piste. Il CD contiene anche una dodicesima traccia video per computer.(...)"
Etero Genio
in, Sands-Zine
Asamo - "Niju"

Asamo "niju"
format: digital download
cat no.: ristdig1
release date: May 2008
buy: 6,99 Euros
:: The digital download contains a zip file w/6 mp3 tracks at 320kbps, 1 quicktime video, 1 pdf booklet::
Shinjiro Yamaguchi is the sound artist behind the name Asamo and this is the record that started it all here at Ristretto. Back in May of 2004 we've released "Niju" in a tiny 3" cdr. This is an expanded digital edition of "Niju" in a multimedia download containing: the original recording plus 3 bonus tracks; an exclusive quicktime video by Kudo and Yamada a.k.a copenhagen; one pdf booklet.
:: The digital download contains a zip file w/6 mp3 tracks at 320kbps, 1 quicktime video, 1 pdf booklet::
Shinjiro Yamaguchi is the sound artist behind the name Asamo and this is the record that started it all here at Ristretto. Back in May of 2004 we've released "Niju" in a tiny 3" cdr. This is an expanded digital edition of "Niju" in a multimedia download containing: the original recording plus 3 bonus tracks; an exclusive quicktime video by Kudo and Yamada a.k.a copenhagen; one pdf booklet.
"(...) the first release is by a young musician called Shinjiro Yamaguchi from Tokyo under his Asamo guise. For the three tracks on this release he took the best of microsound influences, say John Hudak, Stephan Mathieu, Taylor Deupree and Richard Chartier and sauced them up with tiny, fragmented melodies, of which the last makes the best impression.(...)"
Frans de Waard
in, Vital Weekly
Ristretto website
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